In a recent radio interview on Baraka FM, Mr. Fredrick Nguma, the Chief Officer for Education, shed light on crucial matters within the education sector in Kilifi County, focusing on Early Childhood Development (ECD), vocational training, and scholarships.
Discussing ECD, Mr. Fredrick Nguma emphasized the positive impact of the school feeding program, noting a significant increase in enrollment and a reduction in absenteeism.
Moving on to vocational training, he highlighted the county’s extensive coverage, revealing vocational training centers in every ward except two. He assured listeners that plans are underway to address this gap, with one center in the pipeline and another slated for construction in the current financial year.
Addressing scholarship initiatives, Mr. Fredrick Nguma proudly announced that the county had sponsored over 2600 students who successfully gained admission to national schools this year.
Overall, the interview provided valuable insights into the efforts and achievements in the department of education, demonstrating a commitment to enhance access and quality education for all residents.